This content was last updated on 2024 July 15th

When to hike the PCT in Washington

Why avoid snow?

Some people avoid backpacking during the spring snow melt for many reasons; because the compact snow on the trail can be wet, slippery, and icy, because melting snow makes the trail and campsites muddy, because melting snow makes the streams high and crossings more difficult, because snow bridges become dangerous, and primarily because they do not want to carry crampons, microspikes, ice axes, or other snow gear. So I wrote this for people trying to determine when they can safely begin a hike without that gear. All the information here pertains only to the PCT within Washington state.


It is impossible to guarantee that you will not encounter snow on the PCT at any time. This information is meant to be a good resource for general predictions of trail conditions. ultimately you are responsible for your own choices and your own safety.

Personally speaking, If I'm going to leave any snow equiptment at home, first it will be traction devices, not arrest devices. If you have traction but no arrest, you are betting your life that you will not fall. If you have arrest but no traction, then you are planning to fall, but still be safe. When the snow is slushy neither traction nor arrest work well, but that still leads me to the same decision.

When hiking a trail that is mostly snow-free but has some snow covered slopes to cross, I think the Black Diamond Carbon Whippet is the perfect arrest tool to carry, as opposed to an ice axe. I love this tool because its dual-function and you are more likley to have it in your hand when you need it. I was made aware of this tool by Ned Tibbits. (Normally I do not mention brand names, but only Black Diamond makes a Wippet.)
In case you encounter unexpected snow and have only trekking poles, it's a good idea to learn and practice self-arrest using a trekking pole. It's not nearly as effective as an ice axe or whippet, but a good skill to have as a back-up.

Spring Planning


Elevation: Typically, lower elevations melt out before higher elevations, both because of relative snow depth and because of temperatures. Overall, the average elevation of the PCT increases as you move from south to north, with the exception of Old Snowy Mountain which is the highest point on the PCT in Washington (and, I would argue, Oregon). So if elevation was the only variable, the southernmost section would be the first to be snow free and the northernmost section the last. There is a small part of the PCT on Old Snowy Mountain that never melts (yet), but there is also a short alternate route there that does.

Depth: The distribution of snow along the trail, from north to south, is rarely even, so that is another annual variable effecting what parts of the trail melt out and when. When that happens it counters the rules of elevation and may even overpower elevation as a factor of snow melt. For example, in 2023 the snow was much deeper in the south and got consistently less deep moving to the north. The last part of the trail to melt in 2023 was near the Muddy River bridge, and that was two weeks after the northernmost section was melted out. 2024 had a similar snow distribution but less pronounced.

Topography: And of course, the snow always melts off southern slopes first, and northern slopes last, exposed areas first, and tree covered areas last. Every section of the PCT has a mix of those features.

Last snowfall

Its folly to make even general predictions of snow melt until the snow stops accumulating. That is usualy by May 1st. Many years have seen significant new snow accumulation in April and even May. The last snowfall of 2024 was June 16th.


There are weather stations near the PCT that have snow depth sensors and snow water equivelent sensors. These can be used to get a sense of snow depth and distribution as well as melt rate. On May 1st you can look at sensor data from other years with similar snow depth on that date to get a range of the likely zero day for the current year and for that location. Then as the sensors at lower elevations zero-out it helps narrow that range based on the current trend. But even then, that range is weeks not days. The sensors that give the best indications of trail conditions are the ones that tend to zero last. Those are Harts Pass, Lyman Lake, Green Valley, and Surprise Lakes. Note that most of these snow sensors are on a southern slope and all are in full mid-day sun. So even when all of them read zero, its still not safe to leave your ice axe at home for most portions of the trail.

snow melt table

Zero Day + 3 weeks

Zero day is when none of the sensors near the PCT detect any snow. Typically three weeks after zero day the entire PCT is snow-free enough to hike without any snow equipment. Some years it might be two weeks. I do not think its ever been four weeks.
After zero day I start paying more attention to satellite imagery and reading trip reports on, watching social media posts in hiking groups, and day hiking the PCT to see trail conditions for myself.

ArcGIS additions

In 2023 the PCTA added many new image overlay options to its ArcGIS (geographic information system) map. Two of those overlays are useful for monitoring snow on the trail; the NOHRSC data, and the Sentinel-2 images. Both are low-resolution (NOHRSC is very low-resolution) but they give you a good idea of how much snow is still out there and where. Both layers are listed in the Imagery and Conditions portion of the overlay menu in the right pane. When a section of trail is close to emerging from the snow I trust the Sentinel-2 images more than the NOHRSC data. However, clouds can make the Sentinel-2 images useless. The S2 satellite scans the PCT in WA every 5 days. So for 2025 the scans from July 5th, 10th, and 15th were the most relevant for tracking the emergence of the trail from the snow. Note that northernmost 10 miles of the PCT in WA is in a separate scan on a different timeline. The images on the PCTA ArcGIS map update just as quckly as those on the Sentinel-2 hub, but the only way I know to find the date of the current image is by looking at Sentinel-2 Hub.

Typical Order

The sections normally clear out in this order:

1. Section I, North (Naches Pass to Snoqualmie Pass)
2. Section H, South (Columbia River to Williams Mine, Indian Heaven (Trout Lake))
3. Section K, North (Suiattle Bridge to Rainy Pass)
4. Section L (Rainy Pass to Canada)
5. Section I, Mid (Chinook Pass to Naches Pass)
6. Section H, Mid (Mt Adams, Williams Mine to Midway)
7. Section I, South (White Pass to Chinook Pass)
8. Section J (Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass)
9. Section K, South (Steven Pass to Suiattle Bridge, Glacier Peak)
10. Section H, North (Midway to White Pass, Goat Rocks)

Fall Planning

Personally, I do not worry about getting less than 1" of snow overnight when I am camping, but I'd really like to avoid any more than that if I do not have snow gear with me. I have seen it snow >1 foot in the first night. I start paying attention to the possibility of snow as soon as the nights approach freezing (<35F) and I stop backpacking for the year when its freezing two nights in a row at Harts Pass. Then its just day hikes for me.

The first significant snowfall of the year occurred on:

Note that in the fall there are typically multiple cycles of snow falling, then completely melting, before it begins accumulating. That might not occur until very late in the year.

Planning advice for section hiking

If you only want to do some sections in WA I have different advice for you, but if you are planning to section hike all of WA in one season, then I don't have great advice on how to do it that will hold up year over year. That is because, on average, the entire trail melts out within a pretty small window, and the order of melting changes each year. My only piece of advice would be to save Goat Rocks and Old Snowy for last, because if both the high and low routes over Old Snow are covered, its not fun and very dangerous without snow equiptment. Personally, I like to save the Goat Rocks and Old Snowy until early September to allow maximum snow melt, but also avoid an early fall snowstorm (a famous fatality on Old Snowy occurred in an August blizzard.) Also, kids are in school in September, so there are fewer people.

You should check the weather report frequently when in Goat Rocks as it is prone to rapid weather changes. You should also watch the weather reports frequently if you are in a section of the PCT that is difficult to exit quickly, especially between Stevens Pass and High Bridge (Stehekin), and also in sections where its difficult to hide from lightning. See the information on PCTWashington .com about trail exit routes.

I also suggest skipping ahead to Section L as soon as you know the snow is gone. That section has been plagued by wildfires the past few years so I recommend getting it done early in the season if possible.

Other Factors to Consider When Timing Your Trip


Some sections of the PCT have few year-round water sources (Chinook Pass to Naches Pass) so hiking in August and September may force you to carefully plan your water. Whereas hiking in July usually offers a bounty of seasonal water sources. Know all your water options before you go, both the reliable ones and the others. Because water is likely the heaviest thing in your pack, it's just good sense to manage your water economically.


Do you want to avoid hot days or cold nights? Temperature is an easy factor to predict accurately using forecasts. Personally, I avoid cold nights more than hot days so I can avoid carrying cold weather gear. You should know from experience your minimum comfortable temperature for your gear, specifically your sleep system. Hot days are no fun either, but they are pretty easily delt with by hiking in the early morning, resting in shade at mid-day, wetting your hair and clothes at water sources, and planning swims. You might also choose to cook at mid day instead of at camp, so you can hike until darkness forces you to camp. Some people will hike at night, which I like to do only when there is bright moonlight

The Sky

Sometimes I choose hiking dates based on the moon cycle or even meteors, comets, or eclipses. Night hiking in a full moon is one of my favorite things. You may want to factor these events into your planning.
Here are some things to look for in the night sky this summer

Full Moons (2024)

Meteor Showers (2024)
Meteor Showers occur when the earth passes through a debris field, usually left by a comet or asteroid. The peak is when the earth is in the densest part of the debris field. Meteor showers are named for the star constellation they appear to radiate from. Here I've only listed showers that peak between June and October in the northern hemisphere.

In 2024 there is only one: the Perseids will peak August 12th 2024 (Jul14-Sep01). The Perseids come from the Swift-Tuttle Comet which is on a 133 year cycle. The last close encounter was 1992. The next will be 2125.


Do you want to avoid other people? This is usually more of a where issue than a when issue, but here the WA PCT is a given. Some people seek solitude, some people feel more comfortable in numbers. These days the PCT is quite busy in peak season so solitude can be difficult in popular sections. You might choose to avoid the weekend day hikers who access the trail from paved roads by planning to cross those mid-week. The trail is popular with section hikers from the Independence day weekend to the Labor Day weekend. Then activity declines a bit through September. However, September is when many of the thru hikers are in Washington. It can be fun to hike the northern section, going southbound, in late September because you will pass many thru hikers as they finally close in on the Canadian border.


I put this one last because bugs are inevitable at all times. So best to just expect them and be prepared. Bugs are worst in early July and taper off through August and September. But if you try to wait out the bugs you are cutting the hiking season in half. I might plan a trip above the tree line when the bugs are bad, and visit the dark forested areas later. But typically I am so focused on the factors of snow, water, and temperature, that I do not try too hard to avoid bugs (except maybe in Indian Heaven which can become hell when the bugs peak)


Some people like to plan around events such as Pacific Crest Trail Days at Cascade Locks August 16&17 2024


Unfortunately, you cannot predict fires ahead of time. They tend to ruin plans at the last minute. In recent years fires are expected the entire length of the PCT, from before the snow melts to after it starts falling again. The best way to plan for fire is to know all your options for exiting the trail if needed. I also recommend you carry a mask to protect yourself from smoke and ash if needed. It's almost weightless and far better than a bandana.