This content was last updated on 2024 July 26th

Detailed Trail Status by Section

The July 25th survey by the Sentinel-2 satellite was blocked by clouds, so I cannot offer updated snow status.
Only fires threatening the trail, or road access to the trail, are listed.
If no fires or closures are listed for a given section, then there are none.
As of July 25th, 2024, these are the known trail conditions:

Section L (north of Rainy Pass)

This section is completely clear of snow.
The Easy Fire is 1.5 miles west of mm 2608, discovered 7/17
That fire is directly on the NE side of SR20 and has been trying to jump to the other side of the highway, but so far has not. 400 acres.
Check to see if SR20 is open before traveling from the west. If it is closed, you will need to travel from the east to Mazama.
The PCT is closed from Rainy Pass to Grasshopper Pass (mm 2618). There are no exit points there. The closest exit point is at mm 2612, the Methow River, but that requires hiking 6 miles of closed trail.
Harts Pass is going to be the official and most common entry/exit point. Learn about Harts Pass road before you plan to drive it.
The hike-in entry point, for those who want to walk it, is the Robinson Creek Trail which takes you to Slate Pass, about a mile north of Harts Pass.
This section has no difficult stream crossings.

Section K, North (Suiattle Bridge to Rainy Pass)

This section is completely clear of snow.
***There are 9 fires burning in the Suiattle River Valley.***
The official closure is from Mica Lake (mm 2524) to Suiattle Pass (mm 2555). but there are no exit points at either end of the closure.
The Suiattle River is not a viable entry/exit point this year.
Anyone south of the Suiattle River Bridge should exit the trail at 2506 to the west via the North Fork Sauk River, or elsewhere further south.
Anyone north of the Suiattle River Bridge should hike back to Rainy Pass or exit the trail at 2554.5 to the east via Lyman Lake and Railroad Creek to Lucerne.
The Pioneer fire is now only 1.9 miles SE of Stehekin, 31,000 acres.
As of 7/25 everything from High Bridge to Stehekin is in a Level 2 evacuation state. Only residents are allowed. Visitors are not allowed. Hiking to SR20 is the only remaining option in this section.
This section has no difficult stream crossings.

Section K, South (Steven Pass to Suiattle Bridge)

See closure info above.
The July 25th survey by the Sentinel-2 satellite was blocked by clouds, so I cannot offer updated snow status. The only remaining snow should be around Glacier Peak. The ice on Mica Lake may have opened by now.
Because of the trail closure, I assume no one is crossing Kennedy Creek, which is usually challenging.
Shoofly Fire - 105 acres 2.1 miles East of mm 2483.8, discovered 7/8. Has not expanded in the last 5 days.

Section J (Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass)

This section is almost entirely clear of snow. The last place the snow melts here is on the north side of Alaska Mountain (2405). Regardless, neither spikes nor axe are needed now.
Use caution crossing Lemah Creek (2417) and No-Name Creek (2444.5). There is still significant snow in both watersheds.
No-Name creek can be challenging early in the season because its in a narrow canyon with no room to spread out when the water rises. Once the watershed melts out, its a non-issue.

Section I, North (Naches Pass to Snoqualmie Pass)

This section is completely clear of snow.

Section I, Mid (Chinook Pass to Naches Pass)

This section is completely clear of snow.

Section I, South (White Pass to Chinook Pass)

This section is completely clear of snow.

Section H, North (Goat Rocks, Midway to White Pass)

The July 25th survey by the Sentinel-2 satellite was blocked by clouds, so I cannot offer updated snow status. See the snow status from July 20th and check trip reports. The only remaining snow should be on the slopes of Old Snowy Mountain.
The Retreat Fire is on both sides of US 12, 18 miles east of White Pass.
Check to see if US 12 is open before traveling from the east. Discovered 7/23, 8,000 acres.

Section H, Mid (Mt Adams, Williams Mine to Midway)

This section is completely clear of snow.
Use caution crossing Adams Creek (2245.4). It is fed by glacier year round, but should be slowing down about now.

Section H, South (Columbia River to Williams Mine (Trout Lake))

This section is completely clear of snow.
The Whisky Creek fire is 4.75 SE of the Bridge of the Gods, and 1.75 miles east of mm 2140 in Oregon.
Smoke from Oregon is causing air quality issues for all of WA, especially the southern half of the state south of Stevens Pass. If the winds continue to the NE, then air quality should be within safe limits for the entire PCT in WA. Winds are forecasted to continue NE for the next week.